296. Baker AEG; Bahlmann LC; Tam RY; Liu JC; Ganesh AN; Mitrousis N; Marcellus R; Spears M; Bartlett MS; Cescon DW; Bader GD; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Benchmarking to the gold standard: hyaluronan-oxime hydrogels recapitulate xenograft models with in vitro breast cancer spheroid culture”, Advanced Materials, e1901166; doi: 10.1002/adma.201901166
295. Ballios, B.G.; Khalili, S.; Shoichet, M.S.; van der Kooy, D. 2019 “Induction of rod and cone photoreceptor-specific progenitors from stem cells”, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1185: 551-555; doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-27378-1_90.
294. Donders, E; Ganesh, AN; Torosyan, H; Lak, P; Shoichet, BK; Shoichet, MS. 2019 “Triggered release enhances the cytotoxicity of stable colloidal drug aggregates”, ACS Chemical Biology, 14: 1507-14; doi: 10.1021/acschembio.9b00247
293. Tadjaran, K; Chan, K; Shoichet, MS; Gordon, T; Borschel, GH. 2019 “Local delivery of FK506 to injured peripheral nerve enhances axon regeneration after surgical nerve repair in rats” Acta Biomaterialia, 96: 211-21; doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2019.05.058
292. Malek-Adamiana E; Fakhourya J; Arnold AE; Martínez-Monteroa S; Sleiman H; Shoichet MS; Damha MJ. 2019 “Effect of sugar 2’,4’-modifications on gene silencing activity of small interfering RNA duplexes”, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics, 29: 187-94; doi: 10.1089/nat.2019.0792
291. Czupiel PP; Delplace V; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Cationic block amphiphiles show anti-mitochondrial activity in multi-drug resistant breast cancer cells” J. Controlled Release, 305: 210-19; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2019.04.045
290. Bakooshli MA; Lippmann ES; Mulcahy B; Iyer N; Nguyen CT; Tung K; Stewart BA; van den Dorpel H; Führmann T; Shoichet MS; Bigot A; Pegoraro E; Ahn H; Ginsberg H; Zhen M; Ashton RS; Gilbert PM. 2019 “A 3D culture model of innervated human skeletal muscle enables studies of the adult neuromuscular junction”, eLife, 8:e44530; doi: 10.7554/eLife.44530.001
289. Hettiaratchi MH; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Modulated protein delivery to engineer tissue repair”, Tissue Engineering (invited perspective), 25: 925-930; doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2019.0066
288. Ho MT; Teal CJ; Shoichet MS. 2019 “A hyaluronan/methylcellulose-based hydrogel for local cell and biomolecule delivery to the central nervous system”, Brain Research Bulletin (invited review), 148: 46-54; doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2019.03.005
287. Hettiaratchi MH; O’Meara MJ; Teal CJ; Payne SL; Pickering AJ; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Local delivery of stabilized chondroitinase ABC degrades chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in stroke-injured rat brains”, J. Controlled Release, 297: 14-25; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2019.01.033
286. Ganesh AN; Aman A; Logie J; Barthel BL; Cogan P; Al-awar RS; Koch TH; Shoichet BK; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Colloidal drug aggregate stability in high serum conditions and pharmacokinetic consequence”, ACS Chemical Biology, 14: 751-57; doi: 10.1021/acschembio.9b00032
285. Vonderwalde I; Azimi A; Rolvink G; Ahlfors JE; Shoichet MS; Morshead CM. 2019 “Transplantation of directly reprogrammed human neural precursor cells following stroke promotes synaptogenesis and functional recovery”, Translational Stroke Research, Feb 2019; doi: 10.1007/s12975-019-0691-x
284. Tsai ELS; Ortin-Martinez A; Gurdita A; Comanita L; Yan N; Smiley S; Delplace V; Shoichet MS; Nickerson PEB; Wallace V. 2019 “Modeling of photoreceptor donor/host interaction following transplantation reveals a role for Crx, Müller glia and Rho/ROCK signaling in neurite outgrowth” Stem Cells, 37: 529-41; doi: 10.1002/stem.2985
283. Obermeyer JM; Tuladhar A; Payne SL; Ho E; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Local delivery of BDNF enables behavioural recovery and tissue repair in stroke-injured rats”, Tissue Engineering, Part A., 25: 1175-87; doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2018.0215
282. Obermeyer JM; Gracias A; Ho E; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Influencing neuroplasticity in stroke treatment with advanced biomaterials-based approaches”, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (invited review), 148: 204-18; doi: 10.1016/j.addr.2018.12.012
281. Bellver-Landete V; Bretheau F; Vallières N; Lessard M; Vernoux ME; Fuehrmann T; Shoichet MS; Lacroix S. 2019 “Microglia are an essential component of the protective scar that forms after spinal cord injury” Nature Communications, 10: 1-18; doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08446-0
280. Payne SL; Tuladhar A; Obermeyer JM; Varga BV; Teal CJ; Morshead CM; Nagy A; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Initial cell maturity influences transplantation success in the stroke-injured rodent brain” Biomaterials, 192: 309-22; doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.11.020
279. Delplace V; Ortin-Martinez A; Tsai ELS; Amin AN; Wallace V; Shoichet MS. 2019 “Controlled release strategy designed for intravitreal protein delivery to the retina”, J. Controlled Release, 293: 10-20; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2018.11.012
278. Tam RY; Yockell-Lelievre J; Smith LJ; Julian LM; Choey C; Baker AEG; Hasim MS; Dimitroulakos J; Stanford WL; Shoichet MS. 2018 “Rationally designed 3D hydrogels model invasive lung diseases enabling high-content drug screening”, Advanced Materials, 1806214: 1-9; doi: 10.1002/adma.201806214
277. Nori S; Khazaei M; Ahuja CS; Ahlfors JE; Yokota K; Liu Y; Wang J; Shibata S; Chio J; Hettiaratchi MH; Fuehrmann T; Shoichet MS; Fehlings MG. “Human oligodendrogenic neural progenitor cells delivered with chondroitinase ABC facilitate functional repair of chronic spinal cord injury”, Stem Cell Reports, 11: 1433-48; doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2018.10.017
276. Tuladhar A; Shoichet MS. 2018 “Biomaterials driving repair after stroke”, Nature Materials – News & Views, 17: 573-574; doi: 10.1038/s41563-018-0124-3
275. Mitrousis N; Fokina A; Shoichet MS. 2018 “Biomaterials for cell transplantation”, Nature Reviews Materials (invited review), 3: 441-56; doi: 10.1038/s41578-018-0057-0
274. Khalili S; Ballios BG; Belair-Hickey J; Donaldson L; Liu J; Coles BLK; Grisé K; Bader G; Wallace V; Bernier G. Shoichet, M.S.; van der Kooy, D. 2018 “Induction of rod versus cone photoreceptor-specific progenitors from retinal precursor cells” Stem Cell Research, 33: 215-227; doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2018.11.005
273. Davoudi S; Chin CY; Cooke MC; Tam RY; Shoichet MS; Gilbert PM. 2018 “Muscle stem cell intramuscular delivery within hyaluronan methylcellulose improves engraftment efficiency and dispersion”, Biomaterials, 173: 34-46; doi 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.04.048
272. Ganesh AN; Donders EN; Shoichet BK; Shoichet MS. 2018 “Colloidal aggregation: from screening nuisance to formulation nuance”, Nano Today, 19: 188-200; doi: 10.1016/j.nantod.2018.02.011
271. Fisher SA; Tam RY; Fokina A; Mahmoodi MM; Distefano MD; Shoichet MS. 2018 “Photo-immobilized EGF chemical gradients differentially impact breast cancer cell invasion and drug response in defined 3D hydrogels” Biomaterials, 178: 751-66; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.01.032
270. Arnold AE; Malek-Adamian E; Lee PU; Meng A; Martinez-Montero S; Petrecca K; Damha MJ; Shoichet MS. 2018 “Antibody-antisense oligonucleotide conjugate downregulates a key gene in glioblastoma stem cells”, Molecular Therapy – Nucleic Acids, 11: 518-27; doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2018.04.004
269. Tuladhar A; Payne S.L.; Shoichet, M.S. 2018 “Harnessing the potential of biomaterials for brain repair after stroke”, Frontiers in Materials, 5: 1-25l; doi: 10.3389/fmats.2018.00014
268. Smith JS; Taimoory SM; Tam RY; Baker AEG; Binth Mohammad N; Trant JF; Shoichet MS. 2018 “Diels-Alder click-crosslinked hydrogels with increased reactivity enable 3D cell encapsulation”, Biomacromolecules, 19: 926-35; doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b01715
267. Thompson RE; Pardieck J; Smith LJ; Kenny P; Crawford L; Shoichet MS; Sakiyama-Elbert S. 2018 “Effect of hyaluronic acid hydrogels containing astrocyte-derived extracellular matrix and/or V2a interneurons on histologic outcomes following spinal cord injury” Biomaterials, 162: 208-23; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterilas.2018.02.013
266. May Z; Kumar R; Fuehrmann T; Tam RY; Vulic K; Forero J; Lucas-Osma A; Fenrich K; Assinck P; Lee M; Moulson A; Shoichet MS; Tetzlaff W; Biernaskie J; Fouad K. 2018 “Adult skin-derived precursor Schwann cell grafts form growths in the injured spinal cord of Fischer rats”, Biomedical Materials, 13: 034101; doi: 10.1088/1748-605X/aa95f8
265. Führmann T; Anandakumaran PN; Payne SL; Pakulska MM; Varga BV; Nagy A; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2018 “Combined delivery of chondroitinase ABC and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuroepithelial cells promote tissue repair in an animal model of spinal cord injury”, Biomedical Materials, 13: 024103; doi: 10.1088/1748-605X/aa96dc
264. Payne SL; Anandakumaran PN; Varga B; Morshead CM; Nagy A; Shoichet MS. 2018 “In vitro maturation of human iPS-derived neuroepithelial cells influences transplant survival in the stroke-injured rat brain”, Tissue Engineering, 24: 351-60; doi: 10.1089/ten.tea.2016.0515
263. Baker AEG; Tam RY; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Independently tuning the biochemical and mechanical properties of 3D hyaluronan-based hydrogels with oxime and Diels-Alder chemistry to culture breast cancer spheroids”, Biomacromolecules, 18: 4373-84; doi: 10.1021/ac.biomac.7b01422
262. Julian L; Delaney S; Wang Y; Goldberg A; Dore C; Yockell-Lelièvre J; Tam RY; Giannikou K; McMurray F; Shoichet MS; Harper ME; Henske E; Kwiatkowski D; Darling T; Moss J; Kristof A; Stanford WL. 2017 “Human pluripotent stem cell-derived TSC2-haploinsufficient smooth muscle cells recapitulate features of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis”, Cancer Research, 77: 5491-502; doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-0925
261. May Z; Torres-Espίn A; Lucas-Osma AM; Batty NJ; Raposo P; Fenrich KK; Stykel MG; Führmann T; Shoichet MS; Biernaskie J; Fouad K. 2017 “Cyclosporine-immunosuppression does not affect survival of transplanted skin-derived precursor Schwann cells in the injured rat spinal cord”, Neuroscience Letters, 658: 67-72; doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.08.045
260. Ganesh AN; Logie J; McLaughlin CK; Barthel BL; Koch T; Shoichet BK; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Leveraging colloidal aggregation for drug-rich nanoparticle formulations”, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 14: 1852-60; doi: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.6b01015
259. Fisher SA; Baker AEG; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Designing peptide and protein modified hydrogels: selecting the optimal conjugation strategy”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139: 7416-27; doi: 10.1021/jacs.7b00513
258. Pakulska MM; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Local delivery of chondroitinase ABC with or without stromal cell-derived factor 1α promotes functional repair in the injured rat spinal cord”, Biomaterials, 134: 13-21; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.04.016
257. Bahlmann LC; Fokina A; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Dynamic bioengineered hydrogels as scaffolds for advanced stem cell and organoid culture”, MRS Communications, 7: 472-86; doi: 10.1557/mrc.2017.72
256. Hettiaratchi MH; Führmann T; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Recent Advances in Regenerative Medicine Approaches for Spinal Cord Injuries”, Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering (Invited Review), 4: 40-49; doi: 10.1016/j.cobme.2017.08.002
255. Arnold AE; Czupiel P; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Engineered polymeric nanoparticles to guide the cellular internalization and trafficking of small interfering ribonucleic acids”, J. Controlled Release (Invited Review), 259: 3-15; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2017.02.019
254. Tam RY; Smith LJ; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Engineering cellular microenvironments with photo- and enzymatically responsive hydrogels: toward biomimetic 3D cell culture models”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 50: 703-13; doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00543
253. Führmann T; Anandakumaran PN; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Combinatorial therapies after spinal cord injury: how can biomaterials help?”, Advanced Healthcare Materials (Invited Review), 1601130: 1-22; doi: 10.1002/adhm.201601130
252. Ganesh AN; McLaughlin CK; Duan D; Shoichet BK; Shoichet MS. 2017 “A new spin on antibody-drug conjugates: trastuzumab-fulvestrant colloidal drug aggregates target HER2-positive cells”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9: 12195-202; doi: 10.1021/acsami.6b15987
251. Logie J; Ganesh AN; Aman AM; Al-awar RS; Shoichet MS. 2017 “Preclinical evaluation of taxane-binding peptide-modified polymeric micelles loaded with docetaxel in an orthotopic breast cancer mouse model”, Biomaterials, 123: 39-47; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.01.026
250. Duan D; Torosyan H; Elnatan D; McLaughlin CK; Logie J; Shoichet MS; Agard D; Shoichet BK. 2016 “Internal structure and preferential protein binding of colloidal aggregates”, ACS Chemical Biology, 12: 282-90; doi: 10.1021/acschembio.6b00791
249. Delplace V; Obermeyer J; Shoichet MS. 2016 “Local Affinity Release”, ACS Nano, 10: 6433-36; doi: 10.1021/acsnano.6b04308
248. Mahmoodi MM; Fisher SA; Tam RY; Goff PC; Wissinger JE; Blank DA; Shoichet MS; Distefano MD. 2016. “6-Bromo-7-hydroxy-3-methyl coumarin (mBhc) is an efficient multi-photon labile protecting group for thiol caging and three-dimensional chemical patterning”, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 14: 8289-300; doi: 10.1039/c6ob01045h
247. Gomes ED; Mendes SS; Leite-Almeida H; Gimble JM; Tam RY; Shoichet MS; Sousa N; Silva NA; Salgado AJ. 2016 “Combination of a peptide-modified gellan gum hydrogel with cell therapy in a lumbar spinal cord injury animal model”, Biomaterials, 105:38-51; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.07.019
246. Pakulska MM; Elliott Donaghue I; Obermeyer J; Tuladhar A; McLaughlin CK; Shoichet MS. 2016 “Encapsulation-free controlled release: electrostatic interactions eliminate the need for protein encapsulation in PLGA nanoparticles”, Science Advances, 2, e1600519 doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600519
245. Tam RY; Fisher SA; Baker AEG; Shoichet MS. 2016 “Transparent porous polysaccharide cryogels provide biochemically defined, biomimetic matrices for tunable 3D cell culture”, Chemistry of Materials, 28: 3762-70; doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b00627
244. Elliott Donaghue I; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2016 “Local delivery of neurotrophin-3 and anti-NogoA promotes repair after spinal cord injury”, Tissue Engineering A, 22: 733-41; doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2015.0471
243. McLaughlin CK; Duan D; Ganesh AN; Shoichet BK; Shoichet MS. 2016 “Stable colloidal drug aggregates catch and release active enzymes”, ACS Chemical Biology, 11: 992-1000; doi: 10.1021/acschembio.5b00806
242. Tajdaran K; Gordon T; Wood MD; Shoichet MS; Borschel GH. 2016 “An engineered biocompatible drug delivery system enhances nerve regeneration after delayed repair”, J Biomedical Materials Research A, 104: 367-76; doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35572
241. Mitrousis N; Tam RY; Baker AEG; van der Kooy D; Shoichet MS. 2016 “Hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels enable rod photoreceptor survival and maturation in vitro through activation of the mTOR pathway”, Advanced Functional Materials, 26: 1975-85; doi: 10.1002/adfm.201504024
240. Pakulska MM; Miersch S; Shoichet MS. 2016 “Designer protein delivery: from natural occurring to engineered affinity controlled release systems”, Science, 351: aac4750; doi: 10.1126/science.aac4750
239. Parker J; Mitrousis N; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Hydrogel for simultaneous tunable growth factor delivery and enhanced viability of encapsulated cells in vitro”, Biomacromolecules, 17: 476-84; doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.5b01366
238. Führmann T; Tam RY; Ballarin B; Coles B; Elliott Dongahue I; van der Kooy D; Nagy A; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Injectable hydrogel promotes early survival of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived oligodendrocytes and attenuates long term teratoma formation in spinal cord injury model”, Biomaterials, 83: 23-36; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.12.032
237. Tajdaran K; Gordon T; Wood MD; Shoichet MS; Borschel GH. 2015 “A glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor delivery system enhances nerve regeneration across acellular nerve allografts”, Acta Biomaterialia, 29: 62-70; doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.10.001
236. Fisher S; Anandakumaran P; Owen SC; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Tuning the microenvironment: click-crosslinked hyaluronic acid based hydrogels provide a platform for studying breast cancer cell invasion”, Advanced Functional Materials, 25: 7163-72; doi: 10.1002/adfm.201502778
235. Delplace V; Payne SL; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Delivery strategies for treatment of age-related ocular diseases: from a biological understanding to biomaterial solutions”, J. Controlled Release, 219: 652-68; doi: doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.09.065
234. Livingston-Thomas J; Jeffers MS; Nguemeni C; Shoichet MS; Morshead CM; Corbett D. 2015 “Assessing cognitive function following medial prefrontal stroke in the rat”, Behavioural Brain Research, 294: 102-10
233. Tuladhar A; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Circumventing the blood-brain barrier: local delivery of Cyclosporin A stimulates stem cells in stroke-injured rat brain”, J. Controlled Release, 215: 1-11; doi: 1016/j.jconrel.2015.07.023
232. Elliott Donaghue I; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Controlled release of bioactive PDGF-AA from a hydrogel/nanoparticle composite”, Acta Biomaterialia, 25: 35-42; doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.08.002
231. Pakulska MM; Vulic K; Tam RY; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Hybrid crosslinked methylcellulose hydrogel: a predictable and tunable platform for local drug delivery”, Advanced Materials 27: 5002-08; doi: 10.1002/adma.201502767
230. Logie J; McLaughlin CK; Tam RY; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Innovative use of the taxol binding peptide overcomes key challenges of stable and high drug loading in polymeric nanomicelles”, Chemical Communications, 51: 12000-03; doi: 10.1039/C5CC04282H
229. Fuehrmann T; Obermeyer J; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Click-crosslinked injectable hyaluronic acid hydrogel is safe and biocompatible in the intrathecal space for ultimate use in regenerative strategies of the injured spinal cord” Methods, 84: 60-69; doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2015.03.023
228. Tajdaran K; Gordon T; Shoichet MS; Borschel GH. 2015 “A novel polymeric drug system for localized and sustained release of tacrolimus (FK506)”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112: 1948-53; doi: 10.1002/bit.25598
227. Ballios BG; Cooke MJ; Clarke L; Cole B; Morshead CM; van der Kooy D; Shoichet MS. 2015 “A hyaluronan based injectable hydrogel improves the survival and integration of stem cell progeny following transplantation” Stem Cell Reports, 4: 1031-45; doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2015.04.008 (This publication was downloaded 975 times since May 2015)
226. Elliott Donaghue I; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Sustained delivery of bioactive neurotrophin-3 to the injured spinal cord”, Biomaterials Science, 3: 65-72; doi: 10.1039/c4bm00311j
225. Vulic K; Pakulska MM; Sonthalia R; Ramchandran A; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Mathematical model accurately predicts protein release from an affinity-based delivery system”, J. Controlled Release, 197: 69-77; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.10.032
224. Vulic K; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Affinity-based drug delivery systems for tissue repair and regeneration”, Biomacromolecules, 15: 3867-80; doi: 10.1021/bm501084u.
223. Elliott Donaghue I; Tam RY; Sefton MV; Shoichet MS. 2014 “Cell and biomolecule delivery for tissue repair and regeneration in the central nervous system”, J. Controlled Release, 190: 219-27; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.05.040
222. Witty AD; Mihic A; Tam RY; Fisher SA; Shoichet MS; Li R-K; Kattman SJ; Keller GM. 2014. “The generation of the epicardial lineage from human pluripotent stem cells”, Nature Biotechnology, 32: 1026-37; doi: 10.1038/nbt.3002
221. Sachewky N; Hunt J; Cooke MJ; Zarin T; Mui C; Shoichet MS; Morshead CM. 2014 “Cyclosporin A enhances neural precursor cell survival through a calcineurin-independent pathway”, Disease Models & Mechanisms, 7: 953-61; doi: 10.1242/dmm.014480
220. Logie J; Owen SC; McLaughlin CK; Shoichet MS. 2014 “PEG-graft density controls polymeric nanoparticle micelle stability”, Chem Mater, 26: 2847-55; http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm500448x
219. Owen SC; Doak AK; Ganesh AN; Nedyalkova L; McLaughlin CK; Shoichet BK; Shoichet MS. 2014 “Colloidal drug formulations can explain “bell-shaped” concentration-response curves”, ACS Chemical Biology, 9: 777-84; doi: 10.1021/cb4007584
218. Fisher SA; Tam RY; Shoichet MS. 2014 “Tissue mimetics: engineered hydrogel matrices provide biomimetic environments for cell growth”, Tissue Engineering, 20th Anniversary Issue; 20: 1-4; doi: 10.1089/ten.tea.2013.0765
217. Tam R; Fuehrmann T; Mitrousis N; Shoichet MS. 2014 “Regenerative therapies for central nervous system disease: a biomaterials approach”, Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews, 39: 169-88; doi: 10.1038/npp.2013.237
216. Silva N; Moreira J; Ribeiro-Samy S; Gomes E; Tam RY; Shoichet MS; Reis R; Sousa N; Salgado AJ. 2013 “Modulation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell secretome by ECM-like hydrogels”, BIOCHIMIE, 95: 2314-19; doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2013.08.016
215. McLaughlin CK; Logie J; Shoichet MS. 2013 “Core and corona modifications for the design of polymeric micelle drug-delivery systems”, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 53: 670-79; doi: 10.1002/ijch.201300085
214. Owen SC; Patel N; Logie J; Pan G; Persson H; Moffat J; Sidhu SS; Shoichet MS. 2013 “Targeting HER2+ breast cancer cells: lysosomal accumulation of anti-HER2 antibodies is influenced by antibody binding site and conjugation to polymeric nanoparticles”, J Controlled Release, 172: 395-404; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2013.07.011
213. Wang Y; Cooke MJ; Sachewsky N; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2013 “Bioengineered sequential growth factor delivery stimulates brain tissue regeneration after stroke”, J Controlled Release, 172: 1-11; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2013.07.032
212. Chan DPY; Deleavey GF; Owen SC; Damha MJ; Shoichet MS. 2013 “Click conjugated polymeric immuno-nanoparticles for targeted siRNA and antisense oligonucleotide delivery”, Biomaterials, 34: 8408-15; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.07.019
211. Pakulska MM; Vulic K; Shoichet MS. 2013 “Affinity-based release of chondroitinase ABC from a modified methylcellulose hydrogel” J Controlled Release, 171: 11-16; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2013.06.029
210. McLean D; Cooke MJ; Albay R 3rd; Glabe CG; Shoichet MS. 2013 “PET imaging of fibrillar parenchymal and vascular Amyloid-β in TgCRND8 mice”, ACS Chem Neurosci, 4: 613-23; doi: 10.1021/cn300226q
209. Ho KS; Shoichet MS. 2013 “Design considerations of polymeric nanoparticle micelles for targeted chemotherapeutic delivery” Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2: 53-59; doi: 10.1016/j.coche.2013.01.003
208. Owen SC; Fisher SA; Tam RY; Nimmo CM; Shoichet MS. 2013 “Hyaluronic acid click hydrogels emulate the extracellular matrix”, Langmuir, 29: 7393-400; doi: 10.1021/la305000w
207. Wood MD; Gordon T; Kemp SWP; Liu EH; Kim H; Shoichet MS; Borschel GH. 2013 “Functional motor recovery is improved due to local placement of GDNF microspheres after delayed nerve repair”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110: 1272-81; doi: 10.1002/bit.24800
206. Mothe AJ; Tam RY; Zahir T; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2013 “Repair of the injured spinal cord by transplantation of neural stem cells in a hyaluronan-based hydrogel”, Biomaterials, 34: 3775-83; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.02.002
205. Wood MD; Gordon T; Kim H; Szynkaruk M; Phua P; Lafontaine C; Kemp SW; Shoichet MS; Borschel GH. 2013 “Fibrin gels containing GDNF microsphers increase axonal regeneration after delayed peripheral nerve repair”, Regenerative Medicine, 8: 27-37; doi: 10.2217/RME.12.105
204. Caicco MJ; Cooke MJ; Wang Y; Tuladhar A; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2012 “A hydrogel composite system for sustained epi-cortical delivery of Cyclosporin A to the brain for treatment of stroke”, J. Controlled Release 166: 197-202; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2013.01.002
203. Chan DPY; Owen SC; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Double click: dual functionalized polymeric micelles with antibodies and peptides”, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 24: 105-13; doi: 10.1021/bc300511a
202. Ho KS; Poon PC; Owen SC; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Blood vessel hyperpermeability and pathophysiology in human tumour xenograft models of breast cancer: a comparison of ectopic and orthotopic tumours”, BMC Cancer, 12:579; doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-579
201. McLean D; Cooke MJ; Wang Y; Green D; Fraser PE; St George-Hyslop P; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Anti-amyloid-β-mediated positron emission tomography imaging in Alzheimer’s disease mouse brains”, PLoS One, 7(12): e51958; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051958
200. Caicco MJ; Zahir T; Mothe AJ; Ballios BG; Kihm AJ; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Characterization of hyaluronan-methylcellulose hydrogels for cell delivery to the injured spinal cord”, J Biomed Mater Res A, 101: 1472-77; doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.34454
199. Tam RY; Cooke MJ; Shoichet MS. 2012 “A covalently modified hydrogel blend of hyaluronan-methyl cellulose with peptides and growth factors influences neural stem/progenitor cell fate”, J Materials Chemistry, 22: 19402-11; doi: 10.1039/C2JM33680D
198. Owen SC; Doak AK; Wassam P; Shoichet MS; Shoichet BK. 2012 “Colloidal aggregation affects the efficacy of anticancer drugs in cell culture”, ACS Chemical Biology, 7: 1429-35; doi: 10.1021/cb300189b
197. Kang CE; Baumann MD; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Localized and sustained delivery of fibroblast growth factor 2 from a nanoparticle-hydrogel composite for treatment of spinal cord injury”, Cells Tissues Organs, 197: 55-63; doi: 10.1159/000339589
196. Silva NA; Cooke MJ; Tam RY; Sousa N; Salgado AJ; Reis RL; Shoichet MS. 2012 “The effects of peptide modified gellan gum and olfactory ensheathing glia cells on neural stem/progenitor cell fate”, Biomaterials, 33: 6345-54; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.05.050
195. Wood MD; Kim H; Bilbily A; Kemp SWP; Weber C; Gordon T; Shoichet MS; Borschel GH. 2012 “GDNF delivered from microspheres enhances peripheral nerve regeneration after delayed nerve repair” Muscle and Nerve, 46: 122-24; doi: 10.1002/mus.23295
194. Guo XD; Zahir T; Katayama Y; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS; Tator CH. 2012 “The effect of growth factors and soluble nogo66 receptor protein on transplanted neural stem/progenitor survival and axonal regeneration after complete transaction of rat spinal cord” Cell Transplantation, 21: 1177-97; doi: 10.3727/096368911X612503
193. Stanwick JC; Baumann MD; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Enhanced neurotrophin-3 bioactivity and release from a nanoparticle-loaded composite hydrogel”, J Controlled Release, 160: 666-75; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2012.03.024
192. Aizawa Y; Shoichet MS. 2012 “The role of endothelial cells in the retinal stem and progenitor cell niche within a 3D engineered hydrogel matrix” Biomaterials, 33: 5198-205; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.03.062
191. Austin JW; Kang CE; Baumann MD; Didiodato L; Satkunendrarajah K; Wilson JR; Stanisz G; Shoichet MS; Fehlings MG. 2012 “The effects of intrathecal injection of a hyaluronan-based hydrogel on inflammation, scarring and neurobehavioural outcomes in a rat model of severe spinal cord injury associated with arachnoiditis”, Biomaterials, 33: 4555-64; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.03.022
190. Pakulska MM; Ballios BG; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Injectable hydrogels for central nervous system”, Biomedical Materials, 7: 024101; doi: 10.1088/1748-6041/7/2/024101 (This review paper was selected as part of the 2012 Highlights of Biomedical Materials)
189. Ballios BG; Clarke L; Coles BLK; Shoichet MS; van der Kooy D. 2012 “The adult retinal stem cell is a rare cell in the pigmented ciliary epithelium whose progeny can differentiate into photoreceptors”. Biology Open, 1(3): 1-10; doi: 10.1242/bio.2012027
188. Stanwick J; Baumann MD; Shoichet MS. 2012 “In vitro sustained release of bioactive anti-nogoA, a molecule in clinical development for treatment of spinal cord injury”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 426: 284-90; doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2012.01.035
187. McLean D; Cooke MJ; Wang Y; Fraser P; St George-Hyslop P; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Targeting the amyloid–β antibody in the brain tissue of a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease”, J. Controlled Release, 159: 302-08; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2011.12.036
186. Vulic K; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Tunable growth factor delivery from injectable hydrogels for tissue engineering”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134: 882-85; doi: 10.1021/ja210638x
185. Wang Y; Cooke MJ; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Hydrogel delivery of erythropoietin to the brain for endogenous stem cell stimulation after stroke injury”, Biomaterials, 33: 2681-92; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.12.031
184. Ho K; Aman A; Al-awar R; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Amphiphilic micelles of poly(2-methyl-2-carboxytrimethyle carbonate-co-D,L-lactide)-graft-poly(ethylene glycol) deliver anti-cancer drugs to solid tumours”, Biomaterials, 33: 2223-29; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.11.072
183. Owen SC; Chan DPY; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Polymeric micelle stability” NanoToday, 7:53-65; doi: 10.1016/j.nantod.2012.01.002
182. Nimmo CM; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Regenerative biomaterials that ‘click’: simple aqueous-based protocols for hydrogel synthesis, surface immobilization, and 3D patterning” Bioconjug Chem, 22: 2199-209; doi: 10.1021/bc200281k (This publication was also featured on their November 2011 cover)
181. Aizawa Y; Owen SC; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Polymers used to influence cell fate in 3-D geometry: new trends” Trends in Polymer Science, 37: 645-58
180. Wylie RG; Ahsan S; Aizawa Y; Maxwell KL; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Spatially controlled simultaneous patterning of multiple growth factors in three-dimensional hydrogels”, Nature Materials, 10: 799-806; doi: 10.1038/nmat3101
179. Wylie RG; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Three-dimensional spatial patterning of proteins in hydrogels” Biomacromolecules, 12: 3789-96; doi: 10.1021/bm201037j
178. Kim H; Cooke MJ; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Creating permissive microenvironments for stem cell transplantation into the central nervous system” Trends in Biotechnology, 30: 55-63
177. Lu J; Owen SC; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Stability of self-assembled polymeric micelles in serum” Macromolecules, 44: 6002-08; doi: 10.1021/ma200675w
176. Kim H; Zahir T; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Effects of dibutyryl cyclic-AMP on survival and neuronal differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells transplanted into spinal cord injured rats” PLoS ONE, 6(6): e21744; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021744
175. Odedra D; Chiu LLY; Shoichet MS; Radisic M. 2011 “Endothelial cells guided by immobilized gradients of vascular endothelial growth factor on porous collagen scaffolds”, Acta Biomaterialia, 7: 3027-35; doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2011.05.002
174. Cooke MJ; Wang Y; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Controlled epi-cortical delivery of epidermal growth factor for the stimulation of endogenous neural stem cell proliferation in stroke-injured brain” Biomaterials, 32: 5688-97; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.04.032
173. Kim H; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Chitosan implants in the rat spinal cord: biocompatibility and biodegradation” J Biomed Mater Res A, 97: 395-404; doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.33070
172. Nimmo CM; Owen SC; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Diels-alder click crosslinked hyaluronic acid hydrogels for tissue engineering” Biomacromolecules, 12: 824-30; doi: 10.1021/bm101446k
171. Wang Y; Cooke MJ; Lapitsky Y; Wylie RG; Sachewsky N; Corbett N; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS. 2011 “Transport of epidermal growth factor in the stroke-injured brain” J Control Release, 149: 225-35; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2010.10.022
170. Bozkurt G; Mothe, AJ; Zahir T; Kim H; Shoichet MS; Tator CH. 2010 “Chitosan channels containing spinal cord-derived stem/progenitor cells for repair of subacute spinal cord injury in the rat” Neurosurgery, 67: 1733-44; doi: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e3181f9af35
169. Leipzig ND; Wylie RG; Kim H; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Differentiation of neural stem cells in three-dimensional growth factor-immobilized chitosan hydrogel scaffolds” Biomaterials, 32: 57-64; doi: 10.1016/j.biomateriayu ls.2010.09.031
168. Baker A; Kim H; Semple J; Dumont D; Shoichet MS; Tobbia D; Johnston M. 2010 “Experimental assessment of pro-lymphangiogenic growth factors in the treatment of post-surgical lymphedema following lymphadenectomy” Breast Cancer Research, 12: R70; doi: 10.1186/bcr2638
167. Kang CE; Clarkson R; Tator CH; Yeung IWT; Shoichet MS. 2010. “Spinal cord blood flow and blood vessel permeability measured by dynamic computed tomography imaging in rats after localized delivery of fibroblast growth factor” J Neurotrauma, 27: 2041-53; doi: 10.1089/neu.2010.1345
166. Aizawa Y; Wylie RG; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Endothelial cell guidance in 3-D patterned scaffolds” Advanced Materials, 22: 4831-35; doi: 10.1002/adma.201001855
165. Nomura H; Kim H; Mothe A; Zahir T; Kulbatski I; Morshead CM; Shoichet MS; Tator CH. 2010 “Endogenous radial glial cells support regenerating axons after spinal cord transection” NeuroReport, 21: 871-76; doi: 10.1097/WNR.0b013e32833d9695
164. Pettikiriarachchi JTS; Parish CL; Shoichet MS; Forsythe JS; Nisbet DR. 2010 “Biomaterials for brain tissue engineering” Australian Journal of Chemistry, 63: 1143-54
163. Cooke MJ; Vulic K; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Design of biomaterials to enhance stem cell survival when transplanted into the damaged central nervous system” Soft Matter, 6: 4988-98 (Invited Review)
162. Owen S; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Design of three-dimensional biomimetic scaffolds” J Biomed Mater Res A, 94:1321-31 (Invited Review); doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.32834
161. Rahman N; Purpura KA; Wylie RG; Zandstra PW; Shoichet MS. 2010. “The use of vascular endothelial growth factor functionalized agarose to guide pluripotent stem cell aggregates toward blood progenitor cells” Biomaterials, 31: 8262-70; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.07.040
160. Baumann MD; Kang CE; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Intrathecal delivery of a polymeric nanocomposite hydrogel after spinal cord injury” Biomaterials, 31: 7631-39; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.07.004
159. Yu LMY; Miller FD; Shoichet MS. 2010 “The use of immobilized neurotrophins to support neuron survival and guide nerve fiber growth in compartmentalized chambers” Biomaterials, 31: 6987-99; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.05.070
158. Lu J; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Self-assembled polymeric nanoparticles of organocatalytic copoly- merized D,L-lactide and 2-methyl 2-carboxytrimethylene carbonate” Macromolecules, 43: 4943-53; doi: 10.1021/ma1004265
157. Hsieh A; Zahir T; Lapitsky Y; Amsden B; Wan W; Shoichet MS. 2010. “Hydrogel/electrospun fiber composites influence neural stem/progenitor cell fate” Soft Matter; 6: 2227-37; doi: 10.1039/B924349F
156. Ballios BG; Cooke MJ; van der Kooy D; Shoichet MS. 2010 “A hydrogel-based stem cell delivery system to treat retinal degenerative diseases” Biomaterials; 31: 2555-64; doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.12.004
155. Kang CE; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Poly(ethylene glycol) modification enhances penetration of fibroblast growth factor 2 to spinal cord tissue from an intrathecal delivery system” J Control Release; 144: 25-31; doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2010.01.029
154. Scanga VI; Goraltchouk A; Nussaiba N; Shoichet MS; Morshead CM. 2010 “Biomaterials for neural tissue engineering: chitosan supports the survival, migration and differentiation of adult-derived neural stem and progenitor cells” Can J Chem, 88: 277-87; doi: 10.1139/V09-171
153. Leipzig N; Xu C; Zahir T; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Functional immobilization of interferon-gamma induces neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells” J Biomed Mater Res A; 93: 625-33; doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.32573
152. Cooke MJ; Zahir T; Phillips SR; Shah DSH; Athey D; Lakey JH; Shoichet MS; Przyborski SA. 2010 “Neural differentiation regulated by biomimetic surfaces presenting motifs of extracellular matrix proteins” J Biomed Mater Res A; 93: 824-32; doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.32585
151. Shoichet MS. 2010 “Polymer scaffolds for biomaterials applications” Macromolecules, 43: 581-91