Yuan Yao

Post-Doctoral Fellow, 09/2022 - Present


Myocardial ischemia occurs due to the progression of atherosclerotic plaque in coronary artery. Improving blood supply in the ischemic region is critical for restoring myocardial function and prolonging survival. Transplantation of endothelial cells for therapeutic angiogenesis is promising for producing angiogenic cytokines and promoting revascularization. However, the engraftment rate of transplanted cells remains low. My research focuses on the co-transplantation of growth factors and cells for therapeutic angiogenesis of ischemic myocardial tissue. I will use innovative injectable hydrogels to achieve success.


Post-Doctoral Fellow (2022 – Present)
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Toronto

Doctor of Philosophy (2017 – 2021)
Biomedical Engineering
University of Waterloo

Master of Science (2014 – 2017)
Chemical Engineering
Tianjin University

Bachelor of Science (2010 – 2014)
Polymer Materials Science and Engineering
Dalian Maritime University