35. Ballios BG; Kahlili S; Shoichet MS; van der Kooy D. 2019 “Induction of Rod and Cone Photoreceptor-Specific Progenitors from Stem Cells”, in Retinal Degenerative Diseases, Ch. 90, pp 551-55. Edited by C.B. Rickman, C. Grimm, R.E. Anderson, J.D. Ash, M.M LaVail, J.G. Hollyfield, Springer Nature, Switzerland.
34. Yu L; Delplace V; Payne SL; Shoichet MS. 2019. “Bioengineered and Regenerative Medicine Strategies for Retina Repair” in Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy for the Eye, Ch. 3, pp 51-86, ed B.G. Ballios and M.J. Young, Springer
33. Payne SL; Ballios BG; Baumann MD; Cooke MJ; Shoichet MS. 2017. “Tissue Therapy: Central Nervous System” in Principles of Regenerative Medicine – 3rd Edition, Ch.68, pp 1199-1221, edited by A. Atala, R. Lanza, J. Thomson, R. Nerem, eds. Elsevier, Philadelphia
32. Tam RY; Owen SC; Shoichet MS. 2014 “ECM-Inspired Chemical Cues: Biomimetic Molecules and Techniques of Immobilization” in Bio-inspired Materials for Biomedical Engineering, Ch. 1, pp 7-24, eds. A.B. Brennan and C. Kirschner, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
31. Tuladhar A; Mitrousis N; Fuhrmann T; Shoichet MS. 2014 “Clinical Aspects of Regenerative Medicine” in Translational Regenerative Medicine, Ch. 47, 415-35, edited by J.G. Allickson, A. Atala, Elsevier, Massachusetts.
30. Morshead CM; Shoichet MS; Corbett D. 2012 “The Efficacy of Transplant and Endogenous Precursor and Stem Cell Interventions on Stroke Recovery: A Critical Assessment” in Cell-Based Therapies in Stroke, Ch 4, pp. 47-64 (eds. Jukka Jolkkonen and Piotr Walczak), Springer
29. Kang CE; Kim H; Talpag V; Shoichet MS. 2012 “Approaches Using Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering” in Essentials of Spinal Cord Injury, Ch 37, Ed. M Fehlings; A.R. Vaccaro; M. Boakye Thieme
28. Ballios BG; Baumann MD; Cooke MJ; Shoichet MS. 2011. “Tissue Therapy: Central Nervous System” in Principles of Regenerative Medicine – 2nd Edition, Ch. 55, pp. 1023-46, edited by A. Atala, R. Lanza, J. Thomson, R. Nerem, eds. Elsevier, Philadelphia
27. Baumann MD; Stanwick JC; Elliott Donaghue I; Shoichet MS. 2011. “Biomaterials for Spinal Cord Repair” in Comprehensive Biomaterials, vol. 6, pp. 483-94; edited by Paul Ducheyne (Editor); Kevin Healy; Deitmar Hutmacher; James Kirkpatrick (Section Editors). Elsevier Limited,UK.
26. Levesque S; Wylie R; Aizawa Y; Shoichet MS. 2008 “Peptide Modification of Polysaccharide Scaffolds for Targeted Cell Signaling” in Handbook of Natural-based Polymers for Biomedical Applications, Ch. 9, 260-87, edited by R.L. Reis, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, UK.
25. Kim H; Wosnick JH; Yu LMY; Shoichet MS. 2007 “Neural Tissue Engineering: Fundamental and Translational Approaches” in Translational Approaches in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Chapter 11, p. 195-208, edited by J. Mao, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, A.G. Mikos, A. Atala.
24. Shoichet MS; Tate C; Baumann MD; Laplaca M. 2007 “Strategies for Regeneration and Repair in the Injured CNS” in Indwelling Neural Implants: Strategies for Contending with the In Vivo Environment, Chapter 8, p. 221-244, edited by W. Reichert, CRC Press, New York
23. Wosnick JH; Baumann MD; Shoichet MS. 2007 “Tissue Therapy in the Central Nervous System” in Principles of Regenerative Medicine, Chapter 73, p. 1248-1269, edited by A. Atala, R. Lanza, J. Thomson, R. Nerem, eds. Elsevier, Philadelphia
22. Shoichet MS; Tator CH; Poon P; Kang C; Baumann DB. 2007 “Intrathecal Drug Delivery is Safe and Efficacious for Localized Delivery to the Spinal Cord”, in Progress in Brain Research, Volume 161, p. 385-92, edited by John T. Weber and Andrew I.R. Mass. Elsevier, Philadelphia.
21. Shoichet MS; Dalton PD; Karp JM; Luo Y; Yu T. 2004 “Manipulating Cellular Responses through Polymer Chemistry and Morphology” in Proceedings of the Topical Conference from the AIChE meeting in Austin, Texas, 69-72.
20. Freier T; Jimenez-Hamann MJ; Katayama Y; Musoke-Zawedde P; Piotrowicz A; Yuan Y; Midha R; Shoichet MS. 2004 “Biodegradable Polymers in Neural Tissue Engineering” in Handbook of Biodegradable Polymeric Materials and their Applications (Mallapragada, S.K. and Narasimhan, B., Eds), Amer. Scientific Publishers, CA, Volume 2, Chapter 8: 141-189.
19. Cao X; Shoichet MS. 2003 “Photoimmobilization of Biomolecules Within a 3-Dimensional Hydrogel Matrix” in Cells, Proteins and Materials (Sheardown, H and Cooper S.L., Eds), VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 49-62
18. Shoichet MS and Clokie CMC (co-chairs). 2002 Challenges in Regenerative Medicine Conference Proceedings/Abstract Book
17. Cao X and Shoichet MS. 2002 “Tissue Engineering Strategies for Spinal Cord Injury Repair” in Biomimetic Materials and Design (A. Dillow and T. Lowman, Eds.), ch. 13, pp. 417-442
16. Dalton PD and Shoichet MS. 2002 “Processing of Polymer Scaffolds: Polymerization” in Methods of Tissue Engineering (A. Atala, R. Lanza, Eds), Academic Press, ch. 63, 725-731
15. Midha R; Shoichet MS; Dalton PD; Cao X; Munro CA; Noble J; Wong MKK. 2001 “Tissue Engineered Alternatives to Nerve Transplantation for Repair of Peripheral Nervous System Injuries” Transplantation Proceedings, 33, 612-615
14. Holy CE; Fialkov J; Shoichet MS; Davies JE. 2000 “In Vivo Models for Bone Tissue Engineering Constructs”, (J.E. Davies, Ed.), Bone Engineering, 496-504
13. Shoichet MS and Hubbell JA (co-Editors). 1998 Polymers for Tissue Engineering, VSP
12. Shoichet MS and Sefton MV. 1998 “Immunoisolation Devices” in Handbook of Biomaterials Evaluation, 2nd ed. (A.F. von Recum, Ed.) Taylor & Francis, chapter 26, 10-414
11. Holy CE; Shoichet MS; Campbell AS; Song L; Davies JE. 1998 “Preparation Of A Novel Hydroxyapatite-Coated Scaffold For Bone Tissue Engineering” Bioceramics 11, 509-512.
10. Holy CE; Davies JE; Shoichet MS. 1997 “Preparation of a Polymeric Foam for Bone Tissue Engineering” in Biomaterials, Carriers for Drug Delivery and Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering (N.A. Peppas, D.J. Mooney, A.G. Mikos, L. Brannon-Peppas, Eds.) AIChE press, NY, pp. 272-274
9. McCarthy TJ; Bee T; Brennan J; Cross E; Franchina NL; Dias AJ; Lee K-W; Shoichet, MS. 1995 “Polymer Surface Modification” in Organic Thin Films and Surfaces: Directions for the Nineties, Volume 1 (A. Ulman, Ed.) Academic Press, San Diego
8. Bee TG; Dias AJ; Franchina NL; Kolb BU; Lee K-L; Patton PA; Shoichet MS; McCarthy TJ. 1993 “Surface Chemistry of Chemically Resistant Polymers” in Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces II, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 1-25
7. Shoichet MS and McCarthy TJ. 1991 “Poly(l-lysine) Adsorption to Fluoropolymer Films” Materials Synthesis Based on Biological Processes (Alper, M.; Rieke, P.C.; Frankel, R.; Calvert, P.D.; Tirrell, D.A., Eds.) MRS Fall Meeting Publication 218: 57-68.
6. Shoichet MS. 2004 “Crossing Over – The Promise of Regenerative Medicine” L’Actualité chimique canadienne / Canadian Chemical News, June Issue
5. Shoichet MS. 2002 “Challenges of Regenerative Medicine” Life Science Today, May Issue (Britain)
4. Fuhrmann T; Shoichet MS. 2018 “The role of biomaterials in overcoming barriers to regeneration in the central nervous system”, Biomedical Materials, 13: 050201; doi: 10.1088/1748-605X/aac2f6
3. Shoichet MS. 2017 “Engineered Microenvironents” in Looking Back: Disease Modeling, Cell Stem Cell, 20: 756; doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2017.05.006
2. Van Hest J; Sumerlin B; Anseth K; Shoichet MS; Hammes-Schiffer S. 2017 “Polymer Bioconjugates in Biology and Medicine”, a virtual issue published in Bioconjugate Chemistry, Biomacromolecules, and Chemical Reviews.
1. Leach, JB; Shoichet MS. 2015 “Naturally-derived and bioinspired materials”, J. Materials Chemistry B, 3: 7814-17; doi: 10.1039/c5tb90130h
27. Shoichet MS; Pakulska MM; Donaghue IE; Obermeyer JM. 2016 “Encapsulation-free controlled protein release” U.S. Patent #11,213,490
26. Shoichet MS; Baumann DB; Kang CE. 2015 “Enhanced stability of inverse thermal gelling composite hydrogels,” Canadian Patent #2,703,807; U.S. Patent #9,205,046
25. Shoichet MS; Zahir T; Ballios BG; Cooke MJ; van der Kooy D. 2015 “Injectable Polymer Composition for Use as a Cell Delivery Vehicle” US Patent # 8,980,248; CA Patent # 2,784,847; EP Patent # 2512516 (validated in Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Italy)
24. Shoichet MS; Vulic K. 2016, “Affinity-based Controlled Release System”. U.S. Patent #9,498,539
23. Wosnick J; Wylie RG; Shoichet MS. 2014 “Chemically patterned hydrogels, manufacture and use thereof” Canadian Patent #2,584,087; U.S. Patent #8,629,197
22. Shoichet MS; Lapitsky Y; Wang Y. 2015 “Tunable sustained release of a sparingly soluble hydrophobic therapeutic agent from a hydrogel matrix,” U.S. Patent #9,205,047; CA Patent #2,705,083
21. Shoichet MS; Yuan Y; Shi M; Wosnick J. 2014 “Method of Biomolecule Immobilization on Polymers Using Click-type Chemistry” Canadian Patent #2,614,049; U.S. Patent #9,290,617
20. Gupta D; Tator CH; Shoichet MS. 2010 “Blends of temperature sensitive and anionic polymers for drug delivery” U.S. Patent #7,767,656
19. Guan L; Holy CE; Shoichet MS; Davies JE. 2006 “Macroporous polymer scaffold containing calcium phosphate particles” U.S. Patent #7,022,522
18. Baradie B; Shoichet MS. U.S. Patent Filed 04/2006 “Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Functional Fluoropolymers” U.S. Patent #US20060235175
17. Dalton P; Shoichet MS; Levesque S; Freier T. 2005 “Method of Producing Structures Using Centrifugal Forces” U.S. Patent #6,969,480
16. Holy CE; Shoichet MS; Davies JE. 2005 “Process for Growing Tissue in a Biocompatible Macroporous Polymer Scaffold and Products Therefrom” U.S. Patent #6,875,442
15. Dalton P; Shoichet, M.S. 2004 “Method of Producing Structures Using Centrifugal Forces” U.S. Patent #6,787,090
14. Lousenberg RD; Shoichet MS. 2004 “Linear Copolymers of Fluorocarbon-hydrocarbon Monomers Synthesized in Carbon dioxide” U.S. Patent #6,730,762
13. Ethier R; Sit A; Shoichet MS. 2003 “Implantable shunt device” U.S. Patent #6,544,208
12. Shoichet MS; Lousenberg RD; 2003 “Fluoromonomers and Method of Production, and New Fluoropolymers Produced Therefrom” U.S. Patent #6,531,558
11. Holy CE; Shoichet MS; Davies JE. 2002 “Polymer Scaffold having Microporous Polymer Struts Defining Interconnected Macropores” U.S. Patent #6,472, 210
10. Holy CE; Shoichet MS; Davies JE. 2002 “Polymer Scaffold having Microporous Polymer Struts Defining Interconnected Macropores” U.S. Patent #6,379,962
9. Schinstine M; Shoichet MS; Gentile FT; Hammang JP; Holland LM; Cain BM; Doherty EJ; Winn SR; Aebischer, P. 1999 “Methods and compositions of growth control for cells encapsulated with bioartificial organs” U.S. Patent #5,935,849
8. Schinstine M; Shoichet MS; Gentile FT; Hammang JP; Holland LM; Cain BM; Doherty EJ; Winn SR; Aebischer P. 1999 “Control of cell growth in a bioartificial organ with extracellular matrix coated microcarriers” U.S. Patent #5,858,747
7. Schinstine M; Shoichet MS; Gentile FT; Hammang JP; Holland LM; Cain BM; Doherty EJ; Winn SR; Aebischer P. 1998 “Methods and compositions of growth control for cells encapsulated within bioartificial organs” U.S. Patent #5,853,717
6. Schinstine M; Shoichet MS; Gentile FT; Hammang JP; Holland LM; Cain BM; Doherty EJ; Winn SR; Aebischer P. 1998 “Controlling proliferation of cells before and after encapsulation in a bioartificial organ by gene transformation” U.S. Patent #5,843,431
5. Schinstine M; Shoichet MS; Gentile FT; Hammang JP; Holland LM; Cain BM; Doherty EJ; Winn SR; Aebischer P. 1998 “Methods and compositions of growth control for cells encapsulated within bioartificial organs” U.S. Patent #5,840,576
4. Schinstine M; Shoichet MS; Gentile FT; Hammang JP; Holland LM; Cain BM; Doherty EJ; Winn SR; Aebischer P. 1998 “Methods and compositions of growth control for cells encapsulated within bioartificial organs” U.S. Patent #5,833,979
3. Schinstine M; Shoichet MS; Gentile FT; Hammang JP; Holland LM; Cain BM; Doherty EJ; Winn SR; Aebischer P. 1998 “Method for controlling proliferation and differentiation of cells encapsulated within bioartifical organs” U.S. Patent #5,795,790
2. Schinstine M; Shoichet MS; Gentile FT; Hammang JP; Holland LM; Cain BM; Doherty EJ; Winn SR; Aebischer P. 1998 “Method for controlling the distribution of cells within a bioartificial organ using polyethylene oxide-poly(dimethylsiloxane) copolymer” U.S. Patent #5,776,747
1. Gentile FT; Shoichet MS; Harris JM. 1998 “Membrane Formed by an Acrylonitrile-based Polymer” U.S. Patent #5,720,969